Monday, 17 January 2011

bench Monday: the photobooth edition

hbm :)

We've had a rotten and rough weekend. My kid did something so out of character at school last Friday; he bit another kid, his best friend!!! I am so shocked by this and my boy has given no explanation about why it happened. Unfortunately, the teacher who keeps failing him for his handwriting went over the top with punishment, in my opinion. The poor kid was sat on the thinking seat for what felt like most of the day, and the entire class had a discussion and the teacher called him a nasty boy. No one tried to find out why this had happened. Anyways, I had one sorry for himself kid all weekend, bedwetting and crying, so this is the best we could come up with for bench Monday. Had a meeting with the teacher and headteacher today, got things resolved, prove the punishment is ineffective, another boy bit someone in the same class today. Three separate biting incidents in the same class since December, gotta wonder what in the world is going on.

We made these shots in Waitrose, got a few funny looks from shop assistants and shoppers alike, but we had fun :)

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